News from Kentish Aquatic Club

It has been very busy at KAC in the past few seasons upgrading the site to meet the challenges of greater fluctuations in lake water levels and the loss of our loved ski jump.

KAC has been the recipient of a grant in the Tasmanian Government’s Department of Communities Tasmania (Communities, Sport and Recreation Division), ‘Improving the Playing Field’ ‘Causeway Project’ grant, to finalise our dredging project which was initially implemented to enable us to be operational within Hydro Tasmania’s new water level protocols. This grant will benefit the club tremendously into the future.

In 2020, silt was dredged from under the pontoons and placed to above the full spill level water mark on the previously eroded causeway, reclaiming it for use at our club site. 

The causeway rehabilitation project has seen this area top dressed and levelled. Grass and trees have been planted creating a multifunctional active space. To prevent erosion of the causeway, a log retaining wall (as per the current foreshore wall) was built on the club side to retain the area, and rock placed to follow the lie of the land on the public side.

 Six new, longer, non -slip walkway ramps, each with a hand-rail, were constructed. This enable safer access to the deep water created by the dredging. Some of these are also be able to be anchored from the causeway creating more boat mooring space.

KAC acknowledges the funding provided by the Tasmanian Government to allow these works to be undertaken, and the club is now enjoying the benefits of the project.  President David Stallard also thanks club members for their hard work and generosity to see these works reach finalisation. Many work hours and working bees have paid off with our valiant members again giving so much of their time resources and energy to the club.

KAC has been also been the recipient of a COVID19 Sport and Recreation Grant which has enabled the club to purchase new trick skis and associated equipment, in particular junior skis. This has enabled the club to add trick ski schools and events to our club calendar and we acknowledge the Tasmanian Government’s support to enable this purchase.

The KAC committee would also like to acknowledge the assistance of Hydro Tasmania, Kentish Council and Jeremy Rockliff MP for their assistance to help bring these projects to fruition. There is still work to do, but we are returned to full operations and hosting the club and public events enjoyed in the past.


At the 2024 AGM, the following members were elected:

Greg Hind
Vice President
Tony Aspinall
Matt Maloney
Gavin Stebbeings
Damien Pedder, Steve Shephard, Cory Youd, Matt Tedeschi, Simon Carins, Darrin Browne
TWWF Delegate
Darrin Browne
Tournament Director
Simon Carins
Jeremy Rockcliff MP